Bund Lining Standards & Regulations
Unfortunately there are currently still no universally agreed European or International Standards, Materials Classifications or performance requirements for Bund Lining Products and Systems. This is predominantly because there are so many different individual applications and performance requirements, particularly in terms of the different temperatures, different levels of abrasion or trafficking, different chemicals and the mixtures of different chemicals that can be involved, together with the many other specific structural and environmental factors for each different primary or secondary containment and bund lining project. Basically and in practise the onus is on you and your professional advisors to make full risk assessments and follow all relevant H&SE and Environment Agency Guidelines to protect your staff, customers and the public from harm and to protect the environment, by preventing the relase of any harmful materials and pollutants.
Therefore to ensure that your bund lining or chemical containment tank, vessel or area is fit for its specific purpose and that you and your company are not legally and financially at risk in the future, it is essential to take expert independent advice from experienced specialists on the selection of the most appropriate bund lining or chemically resistant protective coating system for each individual project. For specific advice for the right bund linings and protective coating systems for your specific containment areas, please call any of our offices and one of our expert will be pleased to assist you.

Bund Lining System Selection
So from just a brief review of the information on this website and elsewhere, iIt is clear that Bund Lining System Selection and Installation is a complex subject and must not be undertakn lightly. Due to the wide range of potential lining solutions and their equally varied range of performance, durability and costs involved, an independent expert assessment can be of major assistance. The correct advice at the earliest possible time is an early important factor in making all of the the right decisions, firstly in fully defining the requirements, through selection of the right type and then the best specific Bund Lining system for the project, and also very importantly, finding the right application contractor and ensuring that the selected bund lining system is installed correctly with all necessary onsite Quality Control procedues in place and being followed.
The actual performance, durability and service life of any particular bund lining or containment area protection system installation is dependent on several key factors which include:
All of these factors must be considered and taken into account during the design, installation and operation of bund lining systems and the protection of primary and secondary containment areas, in order to achieve the intended performance and integrity throughout the intended service life.
This is also required for a cost effective Bund Lining and protective coating solution – Not just for the lowest cost today, nor just in terms of the cost of the products and the overall installed cost – But for the real cost over the full anticipated service-life and also of course, in terms of preventing the considerable additional costs that could arise from any pollution of the environment, and all of the associated costs from bad publicity and management time that would be diverted from your business. The bund lining system or protective coating for a containment area should also be considered together with the life cycle costing and maintenance schedule of your plant or facilities, to ensure minimal future downtime and closures, and that any maintenance requirements for the protective system are also defined and can be accommodated in this schedule, for example.
For the best expert help and assistance in selecting the right type of Bund Lining or Containment Area Protective Coating system, with specific advice or guidance for yourproject – no matter what size, or what your specific performance requirements, please call any of our offices and one of our specialists will be pleased to assist you.As mentioned at the top of this webpage, the following area extracts from the Environment Agency website and contains the current (MAY 2014 (updated July 2014) Pollution Prevention advice and Guidance from the UK Government’s Environment Agency. – to visit this extremely useful site you can use the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/pollution-prevention-guidance-ppg
It summarises its purpose and advice as follows:
PPGs are produced by the Environment Agency, Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Northern Ireland Environment Agency, referred to as 'we' or 'us'. In this guidance, where we say 'must', this is a legal requirement; where we say 'should', this is recommended good practice. We recommend you regularly check and review what you do to make sure you’re up to date with legal requirements and good practice. If you cause pollution or allow it to occur, you may be committing a criminal offence.
Each PPG gives advice on the law and good environmental practice, to help reduce environmental risks from business activities. These PPG’s are used:
- By our staff to help customers when we visit businesses and when we answer queries
- To provide up-to-date technical and legal compliance advice to help achieve consistent good environmental practice
- To set out our national position on a range of activities
- To support compliance with permit conditions
In summary each publication (Pollution Prevention Guidance series – PPG’s - and other pollution prevention guidance documents on this website provide guidance on how to avoid pollution and comply with the law. The Environment Agency may take enforcement action against polluters, which could include prosecution and substantial penalties for those found liable.
To assist NCC’s Bund Lining customers and their clients, we have also outlined below some the PPG documents that are currently available in relation to the provision of bunds, bund linings and primary and secondary containment of liquids, plus the handling and storage of drinking water. We have also added details on other documents and reading relating to the prevention of pollution that are also reccommended and available from the Environment Agency and their partner agencies around the UK. Addiionally to support our customers, we have also now made many of them available to view and or download from this website – You can select to view or download those that are of interest for your project from the list below.
Once again if you would like any specific advice or assistance with regard to the selection and installation of the most appropriate bund lining and protective coatings for containment areas for your project, please call any of our offices and one of our specialists will be pleased to assist you.
Environment Agency Guidance Documents Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPG’s) – April 2014 (updated July 2014)
Guidance on General Good Environmental Practice
Pollution Prevention Guidelines PPG 1, 10 July 2013 |
Understanding Your Environmental Responsibilities - Good Environmental Practices PPG1 explains your environmental responsibilities and where to find the information you need to put the basics into action. Read the other PPGs in the series for more detailed information, or contact us for advice. |
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Works and maintenance in or near water: PPG 5, 2007 (updated 15 April 2014) |
These guidelines cover construction and maintenance works in, near or liable to affect surface waters and ground waters. Surface waters include rivers, streams/burns, dry ditches, lakes/lochs, loughs, reservoirs, ponds, canals, estuaries and coastal waters. Groundwater is all water below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil. If you are planning works near, in or over water, this guidance provides advice on how to make sure your work protects the environment and meets legal requirements, including waste management. |
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Dewatering underground ducts and chambers: PPG 20, March 2001 |
Provides information for the safe dewatering of underground ducts and inspection chambers. This guidance is due to be reviewed and updated in 2012. |
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Guidance for storing and handling materials and products
Above ground oil storage tanks: PPG 2, 2011 (updated April 2014) |
Following these guidelines will help you comply with the requirements of the Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) Regulations 2001 (OSR England), the Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 and the Water Environment (Oil Storage) (Scotland) Regulations 2006. They will help you look after your above ground oil storage tanks safely and to minimise the risk of causing pollution. They’re good practice advice for tank owners and users but may also be of use to others. We’ve tried to avoid too much technical information; if you need more detailed information, we have referenced where you can find this throughout the guidance. The pollution prevention principles below apply to all above ground oil storage, but these guidelines are specifically written for domestic and small or medium sized commercial oil storage. We refer to legislation that you must follow. The guidance covers:
For information and guidance on other types of storage please see References 2 to 6 (Section 15)
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Get to know your oil tank, August 2011: A guide to looking after your above ground oil storage tank and avoiding pollution, written together with the Oil Firing Technical Association and the Federation of Petroleum Suppliers. We recommend you have a look if you’ve got a new tank at your home or business or if you’ve moved into premises with a tank.
Environment Agency / Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) Joint Guidelines: Concrete bunds for oil tanks: Guidance for the construction of simple, reinforced concrete bunds for oil storage tanks up to 3.5 metres wide and 0.9 metres high.
Environment Agency/CIRIA Joint Guidelines: Masonry Bunds for Oil Storage Tanks |
Guidance for the construction of simple, reinforced masonry bunds for oil storage tanks up to 3.5 metres wide and 1.2 metres high. |
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Refuelling facilities: PPG 7, July 2011 |
These guidelines describe good practice in fuel storage and management that can reduce the environmental risk of your site. These guidelines also refer to the storage and handling of other liquids commonly used in association with fuel storage and dispensing. |
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Dewatering underground ducts and chambers: PPG 20, March 2001 |
Provides information for the safe dewatering of underground ducts and inspection chambers. This guidance is due to be reviewed and updated in 2012. |
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See also:
Defra Groundwater Protection Code: Petrol stations and other fuel dispensing facilities involving underground storage tanks.
Emission reduction solutions technical information (for example AdBlue), January 2011: Information to help you store and use emission reduction solutions (for example, AdBlue) safely, so they don't damage the environment.
Installation, decommissioning and removal of underground storage tanks: PPG 27, July 2007 |
This guidance note covers all underground storage tanks (USTs), including those containing petroleum, diesel, fuel oil, aviation fuel, waste oil, domestic heating oil and other potentially polluting materials such as organic solvents. This PPG is currently being reviewed for updating in 2012. |
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See also:
Defra Groundwater Protection Code: Petrol stations and other fuel dispensing facilities involving underground storage tanks.
Drums and intermediate bulk containers: PPG 26, 2011, (updated 15 April 2014 |
These guidelines will help you if you’re responsible for storing and handling drums and Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs). They’re written for site operators of industrial and commercial premises. They’re our good practice guidelines to help you store and handle drums and IBCs safely. Following them will help you reduce the risk of pollution from your site - to land, surface waters and groundwater - from the storage, maintenance and handling of drums or IBCs. The guidelines give information and advice about storing liquids, for example oil and chemicals, in:
where these containers aren’t directly connected as an input to, or outflow from, a process, for example part of a manufacturing system, no matter how many containers are being stored. You may have containers that are a slightly different size from the sizes given. This guidance also applies to other sized containers. |
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Safe storage - Combustible materials, prevention and control of fire: PPG 29 – Currently in Consultation: This is new guidance note currently under development and due to be made available in 2012.
Guidance for managing your waste
Safe storage and disposal of used oils: PPG 8, February 2004 |
Advice on storing and disposing of used oils safely. This information applies to those carrying out a single engine oil change, to large industrial users. This PPG is currently being reviewed and is due to be updated in 2012. |
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Guidance for site drainage, dealing with sewage and trade effluents
Use and design of oil separators in surface water drainage systems: PPG 3, April 2006 |
To help you decide if you need an oil separator at your site and, if so, what size and type of separator is appropriate. The separators listed in the document below have passed the performance type test in accordance with Clause 8.3.3 of the European Standard for Separator Systems, BS EN 858-1:2002. |
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Treatment and disposal of sewage where no foul sewer is available: PPG 4, July 2006: To help you choose the correct sewage disposal option. This PPG includes information about the treatment and disposal methods available, maintenance and legal requirements. This PPG is currently being reviewed with the update due to be available in 2012.
Vehicle washing and cleaning: PPG 13, March 2007 |
Advice to help you protect the environment when you're washing vehicles using automatic wash systems, high pressure or steam cleaners and washing by hand. |
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Cleaning wheeled waste containers, December 2011: Information to help wheeled waste container cleaning businesses and operators comply with environmental rules and work without harming the environment.
Guidance to help you plan to deal with accidents and emergencies
Pollution incident response planning: PPG 21, March 2009 |
Good practice guidance to help you produce an incident response plan for your site to deal with accidents, spills and fires. Using this guidance will help to protect the environment. |
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Dealing with spills: PPG 22, April 2011 |
Good practice guidance to help you plan how you will respond to a spill on your site or if you are transporting materials. Includes information about the pollution control hierarchy and pollution control equipment options. |
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Oil clean-up products and their application in England and Wales.
Managing fire water and major spillages: PPG 18, June 2000: To help you identify equipment and techniques available to prevent damage to water supplies and resources caused by fires and major spillages. This guidance is being reviewed in 2012.
Controlled burn: PPG 28, July 2007: This guidance will help you decide when and how to use a controlled burn as part of a fire fighting strategy to prevent or reduce damage to the environment.
Guidance for specific businesses
Pollution prevention guidance for working at Construction and Demolition sites: PPG 6, 23 April 2014 |
Developed in partnership with the industry to help those working at construction and demolition sites. Pollution Prevention Guidance 6 (PPG 6) provides information about complying with environmental laws and preventing pollution at construction and demolition sites. It is for site managers, foremen and supervisors. PPG 6 includes advice on planning activities, site drainage, excavation, storing and using oils and chemicals, cement and concrete, land contamination, waste management and dealing with environmental incidents. |
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Managing concrete wash waters on construction sites guidance (issued June 2011): Additional guidance about dealing with concrete wash-water on construction sites.
Environment Agency Technical Information Notes
Pollution prevention: Safe storage and use of de-icing products (issued December 2010): |
Advice and guidance on the safe storage and use of de-icer products together with their potential environmental impacts. |
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Pollution prevention: Airfield management (updated April 2011) |
Advice to protect the environment from common activities at private, commercial and military airfields. |
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Prevent pollution from drinking water treatment works and distribution networks |
Advice to protect surface waters and groundwater from activities at water treatment works and distribution networks. |
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Preventing pollution: Major pipelines (updated June 2011): Advice to protect the environment from the construction and operation of major pipelines.
Pollution Prevention: Emission reduction solutions technical information (for example AdBlue) (January 2011): Information to help you store and use emission reduction solutions (for example AdBlue) safely, so they do not damage the environment.
Pollution Prevention: Cleaning wheeled waste containers (December 2011) |
Information to help wheeled waste container cleaning business and operators comply with environmental rules and work without harming the environment. |
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